What is it, and what does it do?
PhotoAlbums+ is a new tweak for the native Photos application compatible with iOS4 capable iPhones & iPod Touches.
What it basically does is cut out the tedious iTunes tethered process of creating albums and organizing your photos… No longer do you have to be at your desktop to add or remove albums.. no longer to do you have to export the photos/videos to your pc before you can create and import an album to your device. No longer are you at the mercy of iTunes and forced to settle for a flawed, inconvenient and impractical photo management tool!
Now with the touch of a button you can create new custom photo albums! Use the native media selection method to choose which photos/videos to MOVE out of the camera roll into your new custom albums… even move items from one custom album to the next. Simply use the ‘move’ option to distribute your photos across your custom albums. If you have ever used the ‘move’ option in the Mail.app, then you already know how to use PhotoAlbums+. The UI has almost a zero learning curve as it is seamlessly integrated into the Photos application in such a way that you actually will think that this is really the way the Photos app should have been from the very beginning.
Another exciting feature is the ability to create password protected albums. Simply click on the ‘Lock’ icon within the album creation popup and create a password. Its that easy. No fuss, no muss.
To delete and album use the swipe method. And upon deletion all the photos contained in the set will be moved back to the Camera Roll. Best of all this doesn’t interfere with the iTunes syncing process, and you can backup your photos to your PC with ease. The tweak also is compatible with applications that hook into the photos app, so when choosing to insert pictures via twitter apps or messages apps, your albums will still be organized, password protected and ready for use. So take control over your Camera Roll and get it together with PhotoAlbums+!
PhotoAlbums+ Manage your iPhone/iPod Photo Albums on device without iTunes – Home
Create an Album:
To create custom albums just press the “plus” button in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Just name the album, go into the camera roll and begin distributing your pictures and videos into your custom albums!
Easy to use and beautifully integrated. You’ll really wonder how you got along without it all this time.
Moving your Images and Videos:
Moving your pictures and videos between albums is as easy as
1) select the items you wish to move.
2) press the MOVE button found along the bottom of the screen.
3) select the album you wish to move the items into.
Delete an Album:
Easily delete an unwanted album by simply swiping your finger across the album cell. This will produce a DELTET option in which you must press to confirm deletion.
Note that deleting an album does not delete the contents. The grouping of images and videos are what is purged while the actual pictures and videos are moved back into the Camera Roll.
Password Protection of an Album:
Ever want to keep certain pictures and videos out of the reach of prying eyes?
Well now you can!
With PhotoAlbums+ you have the power to password protect your custom albums.
Its easy, just tap on the LOCK graphic in the upper-right corner of the New Albums popup and a set of password fields will populate the screen. Setup your password, select SAVE and your finished!
Fast, easy, intuitive.
Windows Export:
PhotoAlbums+ will detect your custom albums and create seperate folders in the Windows File Explorer for increased control and ease over what you choose to export to your desktop.
Managing your Camera Roll just got easier!
(note: folder names will appear generic in nature, so you will have to go through the folders to determine what album is which.
Windows Explorer Album View:
Upon entering one of the custom folders you can view the contents on your Album folder within the Windows File Explorer. Drag items directly to your desktop or the entire folder to easily export photos and videos to your Windows PC.
Managing your Camera Roll just got easier!
PhotoAlbums+ is available for $2.99 on BigBoss repo
Q: What devices is PhotoAlbums+ compatible with?
A: iOS4 capable iPhones & iPod Touches
Q: Does PhotoAlbums+ work on the iPad?
A: Not at this time.
Q: What firmwares is PhotoAlbums+ compatible with?
A: iOS4.0 – iOS4.2.1
Q: Can you manage videos?
A: Yes, it can move both Images and Videos.
Q: Can you manage your iTunes Synced photo albums?
A: No, PhotoAlbums+ ONLY allows you to manage images & videos from your camera roll.
Q: Can you rename albums?
A: No, in order to rename an album you would have to make a new album and move all the contents over.
Q: Can I add password protection to after an album has been created?
[i]A: No. Password protection can only be added at time album is created.
Q: How do password protect a new album?
A: Press the lock icon in the New Album popup.
Q: How do I delete an album?
A: Swipe to delete.
Q: If I delete an album, what happens to the pictures inside?
A: The pictures will get moved back into the camera roll automatically when you delete an album.
Q: How much is PhotoAlbums+ ?
A: $2.99 on the CydiaStore

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